
When YOUR Success Absolutely, Positively has to be NOW.

Regain Your Peak Performance. You’re Ready Aren’t You

Helping Go-Getters Engineer Their Inner Superstar Success In As Little As 4 Weeks
Without Endless Burnout & Lag-Time …


So They Can …Create a Life of Magical Accomplishments.

If you’re not desperately wanting change in your life, I can’t help you. If you do not want to move your life forward and have fun in your life, then we will not be a good match.  If you are FLEXIBLE and OPEN to new ideas then … Work with me. Yes. You will be able to achieve goals that seem to be out of reach. Guaranteed.

Life Transformation

Depressed? Anxious? Stressed?
Or do you want to Erase Fears or Bad Habits?  Want to be FREE of all the things stopping you from enjoying a FULL LIFE?

Career Transformation

I help Professionals & Entrepreneurs Smash their Goals Faster by Shattering Blockages to Achieve Extraordinary Success!

Success Stories

Steven came to me stressed and out of his mind. He had a new wife and baby and had  just lost his million dollar football contract due to his performance. Like a true professional, followed my instructions and with 4 weeks he had his contract back.

Mario came to me wanting to learn how to manifest more in his life. Within 6 weeks he had tripled his income and became CFO of his company. 


More Success Stories

Angela and her husband contacted me and had been trying to get pregnant for months. After a few weeks, it was calculated within the first week of seeing me they were  pregnant with their first child!

Helping You Achieve Success

Unlock Your Full Potential. Say Hello to THE NEW YOU


In order to transform we must get in touch with the core of who we are by erasing old patterns and beliefs.


Neuroscience proves that when we re-programme the subconscious, we establish new neural pathways in our brain for new subconscious beliefs to become automated.




So get ready to see the NEW YOU!

Is self sabotage limiting your success in your career or business?

Have you tried repeatedly to change only to fall back into old habits?

Do you believe that you're the person holding you back?

Is stress, anxiety, or depression robbing you of joy in life?

Are you tired of struggling and believe there has to be a better way?

Are You Ready to STOP WISHING and JUST GO RIGHT AHEAD and Make Rapid and Permanent Changes?



Hypnotherapy is the Fastest and Most Efficient Form of Therapy to See THE NEW YOU



Online Hypnotherapy
Do You Need to Clear:
Depression? Anxiety? Stress?
Erase Fears or Bad Habits?   Lose Weight, Quit Smoking?
Before you can even think about anything else?
Get it Solved.  Today.



Online Coaching
The Quantum Manifestation  IQ* Course Is Delivered To You
In  Weekly Sessions
Over 6 Weeks to
Help You Manifest Consistently!


Online Coaching
Clear The Decks…
Get Clarity, Get Advice.
A Virtual One Day Intensive to Get to the Root and Find Out What’s Blocking You. Reach
Your Goals Faster!


Online Coaching
You’re Successful. But You Want To Take It To The Next Level.
A Personal 1-on-1 step-by-step with Patricia. Clear Blockages & Manifest Goals in Record Time.

Elizabeth took a course with me wanting to learn how to meditate and manifest. Within a week she had received the $10K payrise she wanted.

Anne came to me riddled with anxiety and allergies. She took a course with me and within 4 weeks she was anxiety and allergy free.  By following what I have taught her, she is a much freer and happier person for it!

More Success Stories

Dom came to me with stress and anxiety. He took a course with me and says that it has helped him to learn how to control his stress through meditation. He says it has also taught him the power of positive thinking and that “have ability to manifest anything I desire.”


I‘ve been teaching meditation and many various  techniques for nearly 20 years. In addition to being a Clinical Hypnotherapist, I have mastered other very powerful healing techniques using various Quantum Methods: Qi Gong, Reiki and Seichim Telepathic Healing which are often more potent than hypnotherapy. The Shamanic path has always the path, for many years.

I love coaching because it delivers tangible results from the co-creative aspect with the client.

I believe in MAKING IT HAPPEN !

Learn Why it’s Important to Choose a Hypnotherapist to Start Manifesting!


& Even More Success Stories

Brigette came to me wanting to solve stress and learn how to manifest. Her sister urgently needed a house for her family. She wanted it by the water. Brigette manifested it for her, and it happened in a couple of weeks.

Christine came to me needing to raise funds t o meet her needs. She raised $12K in a space of 48hrs out of  nowhere. She is now a believer that she can manifest anything.

More Success Stories

Kylie came to me extremely stressed and had not had her menses for quite some time and was wanting a child. Within the first week they had returned and she and her husband now have a happy healthy boy.

Creating Your Dream Life Will Be The Greatest Masterpiece
You Will Ever Create.

Don’t Leave It To Chance.
Book Your Free Strategy Call Today.

F O L L O W   M E


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*Representations made by Vivid Realities, VividRealities.com, Patricia Aaren, and their advertisers/sponsors (collectively, “VividRealities.com”) are aspirational statements only of your potential. These results are not typical and results will vary.
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